It’s been one ‘hello!’ of a challenging month globally and personally too…what with Cydnei’s mum dying in March, (unrelated to Covid19 we hasten to add), and illness plus economic struggles sweeping like fury throughout this country and the world…never mind the unexpected shift of pressure on everybody…gosh…we didn’t see this coming…or did we..?
Always looking for the silver lining in a situation “there is a plus side” says Catherine … “don’t you mean Plus Size!!!” sniggers Cydnei, patting her well rounded Hara (we’ve been eating lots of hot cross buns and found the joy of making bake-in-the-box cakes… one had been lurking in the back of the cupboard for some time and was well over due for eating – a perfect example of how the oddest of things can become monumental achievements). It’s a testing time to be sure…and now we have just one mum between us we are looking after her like the ‘Essix’ (sic) royalty that she is….Catherine’s mum Janet -and her cake making skills – are sacrosanct.
Being ‘Tech-not’ girls, we’ve been highly challenged, what with the plethora of Zoom activity heralding a ‘new way’ of connectivity – is everyone finding this all just a little bit overwhelming?…keeping in touch with everybody on screen and making facetime calls to ‘see’ our friends. It’s only been 2 weeks…how are we going to feel after 2 months?….arrrghhh. And on another ‘note’….our totally plugged-in music producer has all of Catherine’s instruments in his Suffolk studio. These happened to have been left in good faith with the assumption that recording work would continue as normal the following Monday… but then….(shock horror) LOCK-DOWN happened. So now a very bereft Catherine is reduced to playing on her new recorder, fashioned from a carrot, to enliven her Root chakra! Haha!! ( But seriously, we are currently devoting our attention to getting as grounded as possible…upping our intake of ‘root’ vegetables too – (in season of course) like the wonderfully windy Jerusalem fArtichoke cooked in as many ways as there are on-line recipes to be had. Good job there’s only the two of us in the Rocking Horse Studio presently…
So, the ‘her&her’ isolation challenge is on…to keep grounded, balanced, mentally and physically well, and to ensure our senses of humour and our creativity remain intact. Well that is the intention and all links in to the music we are currently creating, which we send up to the ether, with joyful healing vibrations for all.
People have shared with us that they are listening to our CD and finding themselves dancing and singing along, harmonising with the tracks – which is truly wonderful to hear about – so please do keep in touch and let us know what our music is inspiring you to do. We will be back performing live and recording new material with Richard (him) when the lock-down is over, and in the meantime we are cogitating on a plan that involves playing on-line…its all about getting good quality sound to you, you see – and presently we are limited to iphone 5, luddites that we are!! However – despite this we will have our “With love from…her&her” album as a download very soon – we’ll keep you posted.
Now it’s time for a break – a cup of ‘Delilah’s’ cannabis tea (for relaxation) and a hot cross bun. Stay safe and keep chanting….Om Shanti Aummmm
Cydnei&Catherine xx